Richard Felciano: Vocal Music

Richard Felciano (composer)

Catalog #: TROY1591
Release Date: October 1, 2015
Format: Digital

Composer Richard Felciano's music has always embraced the challenge of new possibilities -- new technology, but also an embracing of the function of sound in architecture and in the physical world. His attempts in his music to express humane sentiments while coping overtly with the problems inherent in the physical nature of the materials are a singular characteristic of this work. This compilation of his vocal music includes a work for sopranos and flutes; one for baritone voice, percussion, organ and electronic sounds; a work for voice and interactive electronics; one that is an environment for four performers that combines performer choice with live digital spatial processing; a work for women's voices, five harps and bell percussion; and a set of four unaccompanied choral songs.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
Furies Richard Felciano Anna Carol Dudley, Judy Hubbell, Judith Nelson, sopranos; Carol Adee, Deena Grossman, Sharon Keith, flutes
Glossalalia Richard Felciano Marvin Klebe, baritone; Laurence Moe, organ; Peter Maund, percussion; Richard Felciano, conductor
The Seasons Richard Felciano Chamber Chorus of the University of California, Berkeley; Philip Brett, conductor
Responsory for voice and interactive electronics Richard Felciano Christopher Lowrey, countertenor
Four Poems from the Japanese Richard Felciano Harp & Vocal Ensemble of Cass Technical High School; Richard Felciano, conductor

*Album cover provided for Editorial use only. ©Albany Records. The Albany Imprint is a registered trademark of PARMA Recordings LLC. The views and opinions expressed in this media are those of the artist and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views and opinions held by PARMA Recordings LLC and its label imprints, subsidiaries, and affiliates.