Jennifer Montone performs…

Jennifer Montone (horn), Anna Polonsky (piano)

Catalog #: TROY1612
Release Date: January 1, 2016
Format: Digital

Grammy Award winning artist Jennifer Montone is the principal horn of the Philadelphia Orchestra and an internationally acclaimed soloist and chamber musician. She has performed as soloist with the Philadelphia Orchestra, the Saint Louis, Dallas, National, and the Polish National Radio Symphonies as well as the Warsaw National Philharmonic. Montone is on the faculty at Juilliard as well as the Curtis Institute. She was awarded the prestigious Avery Fisher Career Grant in 2006 and in 1996 was the winner of the Paxman Young Horn Player of the Year Award in London. Montone contends that horn players are privileged to perform some of the most beautiful music ever written and in this recording, imagined as a recital, she and her colleague, pianist Anna Polonsky explore the connection between Romantic and contemporary horn writing by following a chronological progression that spans 120 years. The works were written during a period of great musical and artistic innovation that saw the horn developed fully as a featured orchestral and solo instrument.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
Fantasiestücke, op. 73 Robert Schumann Jennifer Montone, horn; Anna Polonsky, piano
Adagio & Allegro, op. 70 Robert Schumann Jennifer Montone, horn; Anna Polonsky, piano
Morceau de Concert v Camille Saint-Saëns Jennifer Montone, horn; Anna Polonsky, piano
Andante for Horn and Piano Richard Strauss Jennifer Montone, horn; Anna Polonsky, piano
Villanelle Paul Dukas Jennifer Montone, horn; Anna Polonsky, piano
En Forêt Eugene Bozza Jennifer Montone, horn; Anna Polonsky, piano
Alt Horn Sonata Paul Hindemith Jennifer Montone, horn; Anna Polonsky, piano
Légende Robert Planel Jennifer Montone, horn; Anna Polonsky, piano
Six Haikus David Ludwig Jennifer Montone, horn; Anna Polonsky, pian


  • Critic's Choice 2016 American Record Guide

  • "Jennifer Montone has been principal horn of the Philadelphia Orchestra since 2006, and it is a pleasure to hear her make music with pianist Anna Polonsky. In every piece, every phrase gets what it needs plus loads of heart Superb recording."

    – American Record Guide

*Album cover provided for Editorial use only. ©Albany Records. The Albany Imprint is a registered trademark of PARMA Recordings LLC. The views and opinions expressed in this media are those of the artist and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views and opinions held by PARMA Recordings LLC and its label imprints, subsidiaries, and affiliates.