Gernot Wolfgang: Passing Through

Judith Farmer, Gernot Wolfgang & New Hollywood String Quartet, Nic Gerpe, Jennifer Johnson, Joanne Pearce Martin, Eclipse Quartet, Robert Thies, New Hollywood String Quartet

Catalog #: TROY1624
Release Date: April 1, 2016
Format: Digital

Passing Through is the third recording devoted to composer Gernot Wolfgang's chamber music compositions. Ever since Wolfgang became interested in contemporary classical music, the prospect of integrating grooves from musical styles such as jazz, rock & roll, pop, world music and electronica into his concert works has intrigued him. The works on this CD contain such grooves as the means of providing forward propulsion, generating additional energy, and also simply for the fun of it. Gernot Wolfgang has been described by Gramophone as a composer with a "winning sonic arsenal," while jazz legend Dave Brubeck characterized his music as being of "unconventional beauty." Born in Austria, Gernot Wolfgang holds degrees from Berklee College of Music, the University of Music in Graz, and the University of Southern California. The recipient of numerous commissions, his music has been performed by major orchestras in the U.S. and Europe. He has taught at the University of Music in Graz and given masterclasses at UCLA, Texas Tech University, University of Music in Vienna and Instrumenta Verano in Oaxaca. He also works as an orchestrator in the film and TV music industry. A stellar group of Los-Angeles based musicians perform on this disc, including Judith Farmer, bassoon; oboist Jennifer Johnson; pianists Joanne Pearce Martin and Robert Thies; and the Eclipse and New Hollywood String Quartets.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
Flurry Gernot Wolfgang Judith Farmer, bassoon; Nic Gerpe, piano
String Theory Gernot Wolfgang New Hollywood String Quartet
Passing Through Gernot Wolfgang Jennifer Johnson, oboe; Judith Farmer, bassoon
New England Travelogue Gernot Wolfgang Eclipse Quartet
Trilogy Gernot Wolfgang Jennifer Johnson, oboe; Judith Farmer, bassoon; Robert Thies, piano


  • "Gernot Wolfgang's new recording Passing Through is as thoughtful and entertaining as any 21st century music I've heard this year.

    – Dean Frey

  • "Composer Gernot Wolfgang has produced an eminently enjoyable cd worthy of attention. In three words, the review is "Go Get It!"the title of one of its tracks."


  • "Wolfgang has a distinctive voice, and one that is truly worth hearing. This CD, with its first-rate performances and fine sonics, ought to win the composer any new admirers, and I hope that my review will also work towards that end. Definitely worth picking up."

    – David DeBoor Canfield, Fanfare

  • "Every so often, a recording comes along that is really off the beaten path so far off, in fact, that it seems to create its own genre. Such is this recording of music by Gernot Wolfgang, a former jazz guitarist-turned-composer who is fascinated by the use of jazz and rock elements in classical compositions this is a beautiful and deeply moving listening experience."

    – Lynn René Bayley, The Art Music Lounge

*Album cover provided for Editorial use only. ©Albany Records. The Albany Imprint is a registered trademark of PARMA Recordings LLC. The views and opinions expressed in this media are those of the artist and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views and opinions held by PARMA Recordings LLC and its label imprints, subsidiaries, and affiliates.