Lukas Foss: Pieces of Genius

Jean Kopperud (clarinet), Stephen Gosling (piano), Christopher Finckel (cello), Daniel Druckman (percussion), New York New Music Ensemble

Catalog #: TROY1644
Release Date: October 1, 2016
Format: Digital

The New York New Music Ensemble's recording presents three of Lukas Foss's three best chamber works in reverse chronological order of composition. The recording opens with Tashi (1986), working its way backwards through Solo Observed (1982), and concludes with Echoi (1961-63). This presentation allows listeners to enjoy a musical narrative that begins at the end, with a work that represents the culmination of more than 40 years of compositional inquiry. The significance of Tashi's assimilation of stylistic elements is then understood retrospectively through the other two works, each more strongly associated with forward-looking compositional techniques than the last. Foss himself, who as a conductor was known for his innovative programming, would undoubtedly have appreciated this approach to the recording of his music. These three works provide an effective overview of Foss's eclectic compositional style and insight into his aesthetic and expressive motivation. The acclaimed New York New Music Ensemble has commissioned, performed, recorded, taught, and fiercely advocated for the music of our time, achieving international acclaim in its endeavors. The NYNME has more than 25 recordings to its credit and has commissioned and premiered more than 130 works by some of America's most distinguished composers.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
Tashi Lukas Foss Jean Kopperud, clarinet; Stephen Gosling, piano; Linda Quan, violin; Deborah Wang, violin; Lois Martin, viola; Christopher Finckel, cello
Solo Observed Lukas Foss Stephen Gosling, piano; Daniel Druckman, percussion; Christopher Finckel, cello; David Broome, electric organ
Echoi Lukas Foss Jean Kopperud, clarinet; Christopher Finckel, cello; Stephen Gosling, piano; Daniel Druckman, percussion


  • "This is a delicious, rewarding disc, one of the finest in the Albany catalog. Delicious? So many beautiful textures coming out of so much compositional skill. An unexpected word, perhaps, but the mot juste, no?"

    – Colin Clarke, Fanfare

  • "One cannot praise highly enough the commitment and perception of these performances, nor the skill of the performers. Through their service, the brilliance of the music is now brought into our own time, to marvel at anew, and that is enough to recommend this release to anyone with an interest in the composer or in the development of musical expression in the second half of the 20th century."

    – Ronald Grames, Fanfare

*Album cover provided for Editorial use only. ©Albany Records. The Albany Imprint is a registered trademark of PARMA Recordings LLC. The views and opinions expressed in this media are those of the artist and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views and opinions held by PARMA Recordings LLC and its label imprints, subsidiaries, and affiliates.