
Randall Scarlata (baritone), Laura Ward (piano)

Catalog #: TROY1679
Release Date: August 1, 2017
Format: Digital

Baritone Randall Scarlata and pianist Laura Ward pored over dozens of scores in planning this recording. Central to their project was a focus on American composers, and they wanted a personal connection with both the texts and their musical interpretations. Two cycles kept rising to the top: Benjamin Boyle's Le passage des rêves, and Robert Maggio's Forgiving Our Fathers. While the styles of these two compositions were markedly different, the performers were drawn to the gift for narrative the works share and their color palettes that evoke other times and places. The other works, by Charles Ives, Samuel Barber, and Elliott Carter, were chosen to complement these two cycles. Known for his versatility and consummate musicianship, Randall Scarlata's repertoire spans five centuries and 16 languages. A sought-after interpreter of new music, he has given world premieres of works by many well-known composers including George Crumb, Ned Rorem, Lori Laitman, and Samuel Adler, among many others. His extensive discography includes recordings on the Chandos, Naxos, CRI, Gasparo, Arabesque, Bridge, Albany, and Sono Luminus labels. Pianist Laura Ward is Artistic Director of Lyric Fest, a unique vocal recital series in Philadelphia. As a distinguished collaborative pianist she is known for both her technical ability and vast knowledge of repertoire and styles.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
Forgiving Our Fathers Robert Maggio Randall Scarlata (baritone); Laura Ward (piano)
My Native Land Charles Ives Randall Scarlata (baritone); Laura Ward (piano)
Walking Charles Ives Randall Scarlata (baritone); Laura Ward (piano)
Ann Street Charles Ives Randall Scarlata (baritone); Laura Ward (piano)
Autumn Charles Ives Randall Scarlata (baritone); Laura Ward (piano)
The Camp-Meeting Charles Ives Randall Scarlata (baritone); Laura Ward (piano)
Three Poems of Robert Frost Elliott Carter Randall Scarlata (baritone); Laura Ward (piano)
Three Songs, Op. 45 Samuel Barber Randall Scarlata (baritone); Laura Ward (piano)
Le passage des rêves Benjamin C.S. Boyle Randall Scarlata (baritone); Laura Ward (piano)


  • "The 2001 song-cycle Forgiving our Fathers by Robert Maggio (b. 1964) is remarkably powerful Baritone Randall Scarlata has a lovely voice, velvety but capable of more laser-focused power when required The songs of Charles Ives are some of the true jewels of the repertoire Scarlata's inflections of line are a dream in My Native Land It is difficult to imagine more sensitive piano playing than Laura Ward presents here; she is the ideal complement to Scarlata's intensely lyrical baritone. "

    – Fanfare

  • "Here is a terrific collection of American songs by five important composers These performances are commendable. Scarlata's direct conversational approach is clear and warm. His enunciation is lucid, his singing is expressive, and his techniue is agile and flexible. There is much to like about this release "

    – American Record Guide

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