A Cascade Of Light In A Resonant Universe

Nunc, Momenta Quartet & Miranda Cuckson, Miranda Cuckson, Molly Morkoski, Bill Solomon, Adrian Morejon, Nuno Antunes, Christopher Gross, Jacqueline Kerrod, Matthew Gold, Doris Stevenson, Momenta Quartet, Ben Grow

Catalog #: TROY1682
Release Date: September 1, 2017
Format: Digital

Cuban born composer Ileana Pérez Velázquez has had her music heard in concerts and international festivals all over the world. Awarded a commission from the Fromm Music Foundation, she has written works for numerous performers and ensembles that include a Who's Who of musicians in the field of new music. Ms. Velázquez studied in Havana as well as at Dartmouth and Indiana University. She is on the faculty at Williams College. Her music appears on the Albany, Innova, and Urlicht AV labels. There are four works on this recording, which show a creator's posture facing innovation, and the relationship between humans and the totality of creation. Velázquez's music invites us to meditate on the universal problem of existence. Her music is frequently imbued with natural phenomena, culture, and the relationship established by humans with their environment. Nunc, a new music ensemble founded in 2007, performs on two of these works -- joined on the first by Nunc's director violinist Miranda Cuckson. The renowned Momenta Quartet is heard on the string quartet Alma de Guije.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
Lightning Whelks Ileana Pérez Velázquez Miranda Cuckson, violin; Christopher Gross, cello; Nuno Antunes, clarinet; Adrian Morejon, bassoon; Molly Morkoski, piano; Bill Solomon, percussion; Ben Grow, conductor
Alma de Guije Ileana Pérez Velázquez Momenta Quartet
Night Songs Ileana Pérez Velázquez Nuno Antunes, clarinet; Adrian Morejon, bassoon; Molly Morkoski, piano; Jacqueline Kerrod, harp
Light Echoes Ileana Pérez Velázquez z Doris Stevenson, piano; Matthew Gold, percussion

*Album cover provided for Editorial use only. ©Albany Records. The Albany Imprint is a registered trademark of PARMA Recordings LLC. The views and opinions expressed in this media are those of the artist and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views and opinions held by PARMA Recordings LLC and its label imprints, subsidiaries, and affiliates.