
Hilary Demske (piano)

Catalog #: TROY1694
Release Date: December 1, 2017
Format: Digital

Neil Thornock's Cosmology is a set of seven movements, each with a title and scriptural epigraph, but with no pauses to separate them, and a metaphysical program to unite them. That program depicts a soul's cosmic journey via a set of metaphors. Neil Thornock, on the faculty at the Brigham Young University School of Music, has composed works for chamber and orchestral ensembles, electronic media, and a variety of keyboard instruments. His music has been performed in recitals and conferences throughout the United States and Europe. Pianist Hilary Demske has received widespread critical acclaim for her performances. She is regularly invited to perform in prestigious venues across multiple continents and has performed in China annually since 2011, appearing in more than 30 cities on multiple tours. An avid performer of contemporary music, Demske is on the faculty at Utah Valley University.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
Cosmology Neil Thornock Hilary Demske, piano

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