I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes

William Jewell College Concert Choir

Catalog #: TROY1715
Release Date: April 1, 2018
Format: Digital

Conductor Anthony J. Maglione has carefully selected texts that invite us to wrestle with ancient and timeless mysteries and think about how they are relevant to our present day. The centerpiece of the recording is Adolphus Hailstork's I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes, a three-movement cantata based on psalm texts. The William Jewell College Concert Choir is composed of the very best undergraduate choral singers who attend William Jewell College. The choir tours the United States and travels regularly to England and Scotland to perform. Anthony Maglione studied at Westminster Choir College, East Carolina University and the University of California, Los Angeles.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
Bogoróditse Djévo Arvo Pärt William Jewell College Concert Choir; Anthony J. Maglione, conductor
Lord, Now Lettest Nicholas Reeves William Jewell College Concert Choir; Anthony J. Maglione, conductor
Ich bin die Auferstehung Albert Becker William Jewell College Concert Choir; Anthony J. Maglione, conductor
Luminescence Andrea Ramsey William Jewell College Concert Choir; Anthony J. Maglione, conductor
I Will Life Up Mine Eyes Adolphus Hailstork William Jewell College Concert Choir; David M. Sanchez, tenor; Robert Lamar Sims, piano; Anthony J. Maglione, conductor
Sunrise Mass Ola Gjeilo William Jewell College Concert Choir; Anthony J. Maglione, conductor
Missa del primo tuono Antonio Lotti William Jewell College Concert Choir; Anthony J. Maglione, conductor
Within These Walls Stewart Duncan William Jewell College Concert Choir; Anthony J. Maglione, conductor
Venite, exultemus! Ian David Coleman William Jewell College Concert Choir; Anthony J. Maglione, conductor
Officium Defunctorum à 6 (Kyrie) Tomás Luis de Victoria William Jewell College Concert Choir; Anthony J. Maglione, conductor
Soon Ah Will Be Done William Dawson William Jewell College Concert Choir; Anthony J. Maglione, conductor


  • "William Jewell College may be a small school in a modest-sized town but music there is big time and their choir is world-class. This is a flat-out gorgeous program with light, zippy Pärt; a sumptuously dark "Lord, Now Lettest"by Nicholas Reeves; and pinpoint dynamic control in Albert Becker's spiritually rapt "Ich bin die Auferstehung"all hitting you right off the bat. If you'd fancy meeting up with one of America's very best college choirs, look no further."

    – American Record Guide

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