New Music for Violin & Piano

Julie Rosenfeld & Peter Miyamoto, Peter Miyamoto, Julie Rosenfeld

Catalog #: TROY1717
Release Date: April 1, 2018
Format: Digital

Violinist Julie Rosenfeld has invited five composers with whom she had worked over the past 30 years, to each write a work for violin and piano. The composers include Kenneth Fuchs, Katherine Hoover, John Halle, Laura Kaminsky, Tamar Muskal, and Stefan Freund. There is a wonderful diversity in the styles of the pieces and this recording will surely provide important additions to the contemporary violin repertoire. Julie Rosenfeld was first violinist of the acclaimed Colorado Quartet for many years before joining the faculty of the University of Missouri School of Music in 2014. Pianist Peter Miyamoto enjoys a brilliant international career, and studied at Curtis, Yale, Michigan State, and the Royal Academy. He is also on the faculty of the University of Missouri School of Music.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
Duo in One Movement Kenneth Fuchs Julie Rosenfeld, violin; Peter Miyamoto, piano
Dancing Katherine Hoover Julie Rosenfeld, violin; Peter Miyamoto, piano
Amen Choruses John Halle Julie Rosenfeld, violin; Peter Miyamoto, piano
undercurrent Laura Kaminsky Julie Rosenfeld, violin; Peter Miyamoto, piano
Where Do We Belong? A conversation with Bach Tamar Muskal Julie Rosenfeld, violin; Peter Miyamoto, piano
Life (Still) Goes On Stefan Freund Julie Rosenfeld, violin; Peter Miyamoto, piano


  • "Julie Rosenfeld was a force of nature in making this album happen, and her playing is earnest and lovely, wholly embodying the spirit of each work. Peter Miyamoto's piano playing is sensitive and balances, with silkiness and aggression in all the right places."

    – American Record Guide

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