Maslanka/Magnuson: Saxophone Concertos

Paul Nolen, Iridum Quartet & Illinois State University Wind Symphony, Illinois State University Wind Symphony, Iridum Quartet, Iridium Quartet, Stephen K. Steele

Catalog #: TROY1746
Release Date: October 1, 2018
Format: Digital
Wind Ensemble

This recording contrasts a concerto for saxophone quartet and wind ensemble by David Maslanka (1943-2017) with a concerto for soprano saxophone, winds and percussion by one of Maslanka's proteges, Roy Magnuson (b. 1983). Magnuson has composed music for orchestra, wind ensemble, band, chamber ensembles, vocalists, electroacoustic ensembles, and films. His music has been performed throughout the United States. A graduate of Illinois State University, Ithaca College and the University of Illinois, he is now on the faculty at Illinois State University. Revered by the wind ensemble world as a composer, teacher, and mentor, David Maslanka was a graduate of Oberlin and Michigan State University. His compositions include more than 50 works for wind ensemble, and this recording is one of more than 20 containing his compositions on Albany Records.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
Book of the Dead: Concerto for Soprano Saxophone, Winds and Percussion Roy Magnuson Paul Nolen (saxophone); Illinois State University Wind Symphony; Stephen K. Steele (conductor)
Concerto for Saxophone Quartet and Wind Ensemble David Maslanka Iridum Quartet; Illinois State University Wind Symphony; Stephen K. Steele (conductor)


  • "Illinois State University saxophone professor Paul Nolen and now-retired ISU Wind Symphony conductor Stephen K. Steele present a concert of substantial works for saxophone and wind ensemble by the eminent American composer David Maslanka and his protege, former ISU student and current ISU professor Roy Magnuson. the canon welcomes these works, the performances here are first-rate and very convincing. Nolen and the Iridium Quartet play with superb clarity, sublime phrasing, brilliant techinque, and excellent teamwork; and the ISU Wind Symphony meets the challenges of each score with arresting skill and dedication."

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