Richard Aldag: Broadway Boogie-Woogie

Divesh Karamchandani, Ian Scarfe, Gina Gulyas, Jean-Michel Fonteneau, Jennifer Kloetzel, Rachel Patrick, Matthew Boyles, Hadley McCarroll, Marnie Breckenridge, Samsun van Loon, Clio Tilton, Natasha Makhijani, Jory Fankuchen, Divesh Kramchandani, Andy Meyerson, James Jaffe, Richard Aldag

Catalog #: TROY1764
Release Date: April 1, 2019
Format: Digital

American composer Richard Aldag is also known as an educator and arts administrator. He holds a Ph.D. in Music from the City University of New York Graduate Center. He has received numerous commissions and served as composer-in-residence for the Sitka Summer Music Festival and the El Paso Pro Music Chamber Music Festival. Aldag has served on the faculties of San Francisco State University, San José State University, Pacific Union College, the Aaron Copland School of Music, Fordham University, and the Brooklyn Conservatory of Music. He was a special lecturer at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music in 1991 and 1992. His arts administration career includes executive director positions with the Napa Valley Symphony, the San Francisco Chamber Orchestra and the Los Lupeños de San José, among others. With this first recording of his music, Aldag shares some of his most recent chamber music, offering a range of ensemble and instrumentation. The inspirations and expressive intentions are similarly diverse. This recording offers a rich and finely curated showcase for Aldag's latest music with a chance to get to know this original and compelling composer through the intimate expression and vivid textures that are the distinguishing hallmarks of chamber music.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
Fantasy for Flute, Piano & Percussion Richard Aldag Gina Gulyas (flute); Ian Scharfe (piano); Divesh Karamchandani (percussion)
Due Celli Richard Aldag Jean-Michel Fonteneau (cello); Jennifer Kloetzel (cello)
Nocturne & Dance Richard Aldag Matthew Boyles (clarinet); Rachel Patrick (violin); Ian Scarfe (piano)
Arab Love Songs Richard Aldag Marnie Breckenridge (soprano); Jennifer Kloetzel (cello); Hadley McCarroll (piano)
Duo for Flute & Violin Richard Aldag Gina Gulyas (flute); Rachel Patrick (violin)
Romance for Cello & Piano Richard Aldag Jennifer Kloetzel (cello); Hadley McCarroll (piano)
Lacrimosa for String Quartet Richard Aldag Jory Fankuchen (violin); Natasha Makhijani (violin); Clio Tilton (viola); Samsun van Loon (cello)
Serenade for Chamber Ensemble "Broadway Boogie-Woogie" Richard Aldag Gina Gulyas (flute); Matthew Boyles (clarinet); Rachel Patrick (violin); James Jaffe (cello); Ian Scarfe (piano); Divesh Karamchandani (percussion); Andy Meyerson (percussion); Richard Aldag (conductor)


  • "Composer Richard Aldag, by training an exponent of post-World War II serialism of "significantly American orientation,"eventually abandoned the quest for the Holy Grail of "absolute, total systems"to embrace a less restrictive method, characterizing his compositional style as "Neo-Expressionism, combining lyricism with rhythmic energy in a post-tonal context that is complex, yet accessible at the same time."Aldag's self-analysis is spot on. Listeners willing to venture into tonally flexible realms will find this is an inviting program that fascinates on many levels. It's viscerally and intellectually stimulating, emotionally satisfying, and surprisingly entertaining in ways not often associated with Expressionism – in short, the work of a composer whose heart has triumphed over his head. "

    – Fanfare

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