
Jeffrey Rathbun (oboe), Marc Shapiro (piano), Frank Rosenwein (oboe)

Catalog #: TROY1766
Release Date: April 1, 2019
Format: Digital

Jeffrey Rathbun has served as assistant principal oboe of The Cleveland Orchestra since 1990 and was the principal oboe from 2001-2003. He was previously a member of the Atlanta, San Francisco, Oakland, and Honolulu symphony orchestras. He has served as guest principal oboe with major orchestras around the United States, including the Boston Symphony and Los Angeles Philharmonic. He is on the faculty at the Kent/Blossom Chamber Music Festival, the Baldwin Wallace Conservatory, and the Cleveland Institute of Music. Rathbun is joined on this recording of works for oboe by Marc Shapiro, a distinguished pianist, who is an acting member of the San Francisco Symphony. He is principal keyboardist with the California Symphony and is active as a recitalist and chamber musician. Shapiro is on the faculty at Mills College. Frank Rosenwein, principal oboist of The Cleveland Orchestra performs with Mr. Rathbun on Rathbun's composition for two oboes.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
Adagio und Allegro, Op 70 Robert Schumann Jeffrey Rathbun (oboe); Marc Shapiro (piano)
Suite for Oboe and Piano Klement Slavicky Jeffrey Rathbun (oboe); Marc Shapiro (piano)
Pastorale Igor Stravinsky Jeffrey Rathbun (oboe); Marc Shapiro (piano)
4 More Diversions for 2 Oboes Jeffrey Rathbun Jeffrey Rathbun (oboe); Frank Rosenwein (oboe)
Sonata for Oboe and Piano Herbert Howells Jeffrey Rathbun (oboe); Marc Shapiro (piano)


  • "Rathbun plays a Buffet Crampon oboe. He produces a sound that is distinctive and often penetrating, without being hoarse or quacky. One can understand his success as an orchestral player, because it is a sound that can either blend into the orchestral texture or stand out, as the need arises. He is a superb musician, and creates a distinct sound world for each of these works. He and Rosenwein are well matched in the 4 Diversions. Elsewhere, pianist Marc Shapiro is an equal partner, bringing a strong technique and both communication and sensitivity to his part."

    – Fanfare

  • "What tremendous programming! And it's quite daring, too, to begin with the Schumann Adagio and Allegro, a piece surely best known in its horn and piano version. Rathbun and Shapiro capture the nostalgia of the Adagio perfectly (of course, there will ever be the sense of registral extreme and, indeed, anticipatory sense of potential disaster with the octave leap which, on the horn, goes up to top C). This is a major addition to the catalog, particularly for the Slavický and the Howells."

    – Fanfare

  • This is, though, a perfect pairing of oboe and piano, with Shapiro's harmonic sensitivity matched by his sense of touch (the very close of the Adagio attests to the latter) Rathbun has been an oboist with the Cleveland Orchestra since 1990 He has an attractive tone, excellent timbral control, and his phrases sing pretty consistently."

    – American Record Guide

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