In This Blue Room: Lyric Fest Performs Songs of Kile Smith

Suzanne DuPlantis, Laura Ward, Daniel Teadt, Jonas Hacker, Doris Hall-Gulati, Jessica Lennick

Catalog #: TROY1775
Release Date: May 1, 2019
Format: Digital

Composer Kile Smith’s music is hailed by critics, performers, and audiences for its strong voice, sheer beauty, and “profoundly direct emotional appeal.” The recipient of numerous commissions, his music has performed throughout the U.S., in Europe, and the UK. Smith's very first works were art songs, and he has composed them throughout his career, having now written about 65 songs. For this recording, the performers are members of Lyric Fest, a Philadelphia based organization, whose mission is to bring people together through song and include mezzo-soprano Suzanne DuPlantis, tenor Jonas Hacker, soprano Jessica Lennick, baritone Daniel Teadt, clarinetist Doris Hall-Gulati and pianst Laura Ward, who is artistic director of Lyric Fest.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
In This Blue Room Kile Smith Suzanne DuPlantis (mezzo-soprano); Jonas Hacker (tenor); Daniel Teadt (baritone); Laura Ward (piano)
Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins Kile Smith Jonas Hacker (tenor); Laura Ward (piano)
Poems of Stephen Berg Kile Smith Jessica Lennick (soprano); Doris Hall-Gulati (clarinet); Laura Ward (piano)
There is No Great and No Small Kile Smith Suzanne DuPlantis (soprano); Laura Ward (piano)
Mark the Music Kile Smith Jessica Lennick (soprano); Jonas Hacker (tenor); Daniel Teadt (baritone); Laura Ward (piano)


  • "…Kile Smith is an American composer born in 1956, whose music has an immediate appeal due to his melodic gift and the ability comfortably to inhabit a realm that incorporates elements of jazz, pop, and the world of art songs. His blending of these elements does not sound forced or artificial, and many of these songs will have you tapping your toes or humming along. …In sum, this is a pleasant recording, and can be recommended to those who enjoy discovering agreeable new music. …"

    – Fanfare

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