Songs by Cécil Chaminade

Sooah Park (soprano), Sang Woo Kang (piano)

Catalog #: TROY1778
Release Date: June 1, 2019
Format: Digital

French composer and pianist Cécil Chaminade (1857-1944) wrote approximately 400 compositions, including 125 songs. Dismissed by her male colleagues, she did make a mark through her French romantic style at the turn of the century. Though she is primarily known today for her solo piano compositions and her recordings for the gramophone, this recording illuminates a facet of her much overlooked mélodie oeuvre. The songs on this disc display not only Chaminade's adroit word pianting but also her ability to spin orchestral effects through her piano writing. Soprano Sooah Park has been praised by critics for her role as Oscan in Verdi's Un Ballo in Maschera, saying, "Sooah Park shines as Oscar, and her singing is utterly delightful." (Houston Arts Week) She has performed as a recitalist and in opera around the world including performances in Australia, Brazil, Mexico, Finland, South Korea, and the United States. On the faculty at the University of Texas at Tyler, she studied at Eastman and the University of Texas at Austin. Her collaborator, pianist Sang Woo Kang is an active performer who has presented masterclasses and recitals inmore than 25 countries. He pursues his career as a solo, orchestral, and chamber music performer while teaching at Providence College and Brown University.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
L'absente Cécil Chaminade Sooah Park (soprano); Sang Woo Kang (piano)
L'idéal Cécil Chaminade Sooah Park (soprano); Sang Woo Kang (piano)
Serenata Cécil Chaminade Sooah Park (soprano); Sang Woo Kang (piano)
Fleur jetée Cécil Chaminade Sooah Park (soprano); Sang Woo Kang (piano)
Rêve d'un soir Cécil Chaminade Sooah Park (soprano); Sang Woo Kang (piano)
Les rêves Cécil Chaminade Sooah Park (soprano); Sang Woo Kang (piano)
Tu me dirais Cécil Chaminade Sooah Park (soprano); Sang Woo Kang (piano)
Berceuse Cécil Chaminade Sooah Park (soprano); Sang Woo Kang (piano)
L'amour captif Cécil Chaminade Sooah Park (soprano); Sang Woo Kang (piano)
Aubade Cécil Chaminade Sooah Park (soprano); Sang Woo Kang (piano)
Ballade à la lune Cécil Chaminade Sooah Park (soprano); Sang Woo Kang (piano)
Chant d'amour Cécil Chaminade Sooah Park (soprano); Sang Woo Kang (piano)
Sérénade Sévillane Cécil Chaminade Sooah Park (soprano); Sang Woo Kang (piano)
Trahison Cécil Chaminade Sooah Park (soprano); Sang Woo Kang (piano)
Vielle chanson Cécil Chaminade Sooah Park (soprano); Sang Woo Kang (piano)
Villanelle Cécil Chaminade Sooah Park (soprano); Sang Woo Kang (piano)
Nuit d'été Cécil Chaminade Sooah Park (soprano); Sang Woo Kang (piano)
Les presents Cécil Chaminade Sooah Park (soprano); Sang Woo Kang (piano)

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