The Diaries of Adam and Eve

Martha Walvoord & Jack Unzicker, Jack Unzicker, Martha Walvoord

Catalog #: TROY1791
Release Date: November 1, 2019
Format: Digital

Violinist Martha Walvoord and double bass player Jack Unzicker are both on the faculty at the University of Texas at Arlington with notable performing and teaching careers. This recording of new works for violin and double bass has as its centerpiece Michael Daugherty's The Diaries of Adam and Eve. The work was inspired by a novella of the same name by Mark Twain, which was published in 1906. Divided into seven movements, the music animates Twain's witty reimagining of the biblical tale of the first woman and man to inhabit the earth and the Garden of Eden. Other works written by George B, Chave, Andrea Clearfield, Tom Knific, and Daniel M. Cavanagh round out this program of new music for this unusual ensemble.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
The Diaries of Adam and Eve for violin, double bass, and optional narrators Michael Daugherty Martha Walvoord (violin); Jack Unzicker (double bass)
Reach Daniel M. Cavanagh Martha Walvoord (violin); Jack Unzicker (double bass)
Duo No. 3 for violin and double bass Tom Knific Martha Walvoord (violin); Jack Unzicker (double bass)
A Dream of Trees for violin and double bass Andrea Clearfield Martha Walvoord (violin); Jack Unzicker (double bass)
Duo for double bass and violin George B. Chave Martha Walvoord (violin); Jack Unzicker (double bass)


  • "An entire album of new music for violin and double bass? You bet, and it is an utter delight "

    – Fanfare

  • "With the exception of Andrea Clearfield's Dream of Trees, a somber, attenuated work, all the pieces here are spirited and buoyant. An entire album of works for violin and double bass sounds tedious, but the players conjure subtle and vibrant colors from their instruments and play with go-for-broke abandon."

    – American Record Guide

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