Nuit d’Étoiles: The Forgotten Songs of Charles-Marie Widor

Rebecca Wascoe Hays (soprano), Susan McDaniel (piano), Allen Saunders (bass), Nicole Leupp Hanig (soprano)

Catalog #: TROY1813
Release Date: April 1, 2020
Format: Digital

French composer Charles-Marie Widor is best known for his works for organ, but he also wrote operas, a sizable body of ballet music, and various other vocal and orchestral works. This recording highlights some of his forgotten songs, performed by soprano Rebecca Wascoe Hays, bass Allen Saunders, soprano Nicole Leupp Hanig, and pianist Susan McDaniel. Ms. Hays, who champions American composers in her performances, is on the faculty at Texas Tech University and is artistic director of Music in the Marche, an opera training program for young singers located in Mondavio, Italy. Saunders, in addition to his active performance schedule, is on the faculty at Northern Arizona University School of Music. Ms. Hanig has performed in the U.S., as well as Europe and Japan, and now is artistic director of Opera on the Bluff and on the faculty at the University of Portland. McDaniel, also on the faculty at the University of Portland, has appeared widely as a solo and collaborative pianist.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
Nuit d'Étoiles Charles-Marie Widor Rebecca Wascoe Hays (soprano); Susan McDaniel (piano)
Prière Charles-Marie Widor Rebecca Wascoe Hays (soprano); Susan McDaniel (piano)
Ave Maria Charles-Marie Widor Rebecca Wascoe Hays (soprano); Susan McDaniel (piano)
Lia è morta Charles-Marie Widor Rebecca Wascoe Hays (soprano); Susan McDaniel (piano)
Il tempo passato Charles-Marie Widor Rebecca Wascoe Hays (soprano); Susan McDaniel (piano)
Il primo amore Charles-Marie Widor Rebecca Wascoe Hays (soprano); Susan McDaniel (piano)
Dimmi perche Charles-Marie Widor Rebecca Wascoe Hays (soprano); Susan McDaniel (piano)
La Bianchina Charles-Marie Widor Rebecca Wascoe Hays (soprano); Susan McDaniel (piano)
Soupir Charles-Marie Widor Allen Saunders (bass); Susan McDaniel (piano)
Avril Charles-Marie Widor Allen Saunders (bass); Susan McDaniel (piano)
Le bouquet Charles-Marie Widor Allen Saunders (bass); Susan McDaniel (piano)
Quand j'aimais Charles-Marie Widor Nicole Leupp Hanig (soprano); Susan McDaniel (piano)
L'âme de lys Charles-Marie Widor Nicole Leupp Hanig (soprano); Susan McDaniel (piano)
Coeur gai Charles-Marie Widor Nicole Leupp Hanig (soprano); Susan McDaniel (piano)
J'étail seul près des flots Charles-Marie Widor Allen Saunders (bass); Nicole Leupp Hanig (soprano); Susan McDaniel (piano)
Je nes croyais pas au bonheur Charles-Marie Widor Nicole Leupp Hanig (soprano); Rebecca Wascoe Hays (soprano); Susan McDaniel (piano)


  • "Charles Marie Widor composed ballet music, two operas, liturgical choral works and other instrumental and vocal works, but he is remembered primarily for his 10 symphonies for organ. His songs are less known. Hays is the primary singer of the program; she sings the first 8 songs and final duet and uses her full and voluptuous voice to give solid readings. She sounds at home in French, Latin, and Italian It's nice to hear these unexpected songs from a very familiar composer "

    – American Record Guide

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