Ezra Laderman: Chamber Works 2002-2013

Robert Blocker, Frank Morelli, David Kaplan, Greg Anderson, Amy Yang, Ole Akahoshi, Benjamin Hoffman

Catalog #: TROY1830-31
Release Date: November 1, 2020
Format: Digital

The esteemed American composer Ezra Laderman (1924-2015) composed more than 300 works, which were performed by major orchestras, chamber ensembles, and soloists throughout the United States. His music incorporated a lyrical style into a contemporary context, using tonal material in combination with atonal, polytonal, or aleatoric elements, while seeking out unusual formal structures for his music. This recording contains the first recordings of Laderman's music composed between 2002 and 2013 and complements the nine recordings of his music on Albany Records. Laderman's many honors include three Guggenheim fellowships and the Rome Prize. He was Dean of the Yale School of Music from 1989 to 1995 and served as Director of the Music Program for the National Endowment of the Arts, and President of the American Academy of Arts and Letters, among many other prestigious appointments.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
Decade Ezra Laderman Robert Blocker (piano)
Elegy for Solo Bassoon, for Stephen Ezra Laderman Frank Morelli (bassoon)
Interior Landscapes I Ezra Laderman Greg Anderson & David Kaplan (piano)
Interior Landscapes II Ezra Laderman Greg Anderson & David Kaplan (piano)
Piano Sonata No. 5 Ezra Laderman Amy Yang (piano)
Partita for Solo Bassoon Ezra Laderman Frank Morelli (bassoon)
Partita for Solo Cello, No. 2 Ezra Laderman Ole Akahoshi (cello)
Partita for Violin Ezra Laderman Benjamin Hoffman (violin)

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