We Are

Miami University Men's Glee Club, Jon Sanford, Jeremy D. Jones

Catalog #: TROY1838
Release Date: October 1, 2020
Format: Digital

We Are, recorded by the Miami University Men's Glee Club is a continuation of their initiative to advance the male choral art through repertoire written in the 21st century. The music included on this recording, written by nearly all living composers, expresses a variety of musical offerings with a diverse palate of colors, techniques, and styles that focus on the resiliency of the human spirit. The Miami University Men's Glee Club has maintained a longstanding tradition of musical excellence and, through its artistry, passion, and relevancy, this recording is no exception. Founded in 1907, the chorus has toured 19 states and 11 countries and has appeared in concert at numerous conferences of professional choral organizations. Under the leadership of conductor Jeremy D. Jones, the group has won awards and critical acclaim, including First Place and Overall Grand Champion awards at the Concours Européen de Chant Choral in Luxembourg. This is their second recording on Albany Records.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
The Wall Breaks Asunder Anthony J. Maglione Miami University Men's Glee Club; Jeremy D. Jones (conductor); Jordan Bicknell (gong); Ben Reineke (tubular bells); David Rim (tom-toms); R.J. Schaefer (bass drum); Patrick Schoeppner (cymbal); Jon Sanford (piano)
Sayareh Jake Runestad Miami University Men's Glee Club; Jeremy D. Jones (conductor); Caleb Orr (tenor)
Last Kind Words Paul John Rudoi Miami University Men's Glee Club; Jeremy D. Jones (conductor); Adam Copas (tenor); Gordon Taylor (tenor); Lee Shibley (baritone); Tommy Wessendarp (bass); David Rim (djembe); R.J. Schaefer (shaker)
Teomehe-laul Veljo Tormis Miami University Men's Glee Club; Jeremy D. Jones (conductor)
Armistice 1918 (Everyone Sang) Craig Carnanhan Miami University Men's Glee Club; Jeremy D. Jones (conductor); Jon Sanford (piano)
The Trumpet Sounds Within-a My Soul Ian David Coleman Miami University Men's Glee Club; Jeremy D. Jones (conductor); Douglas Lindsay (trumpet)
Glory (from Selma) John Stephens Miami University Men's Glee Club; Jeremy D. Jones (conductor); Caleb Orr (tenor); David Dabney (narrator); Jordan Bicknell (electric bass); Ben Reineke (drums); Jon Sanford (piano)
Pyè Aleman Sten Källman Miami University Men's Glee Club; Jeremy D. Jones (conductor); Adam Copas (tenor); Caleb Orr (tenor); Cameron Warland (baritone); Tommy Wessendarp (bass); Jordan Bicknell (djembe); Ben Reineke (conga); David Rim (agogo bells); R.J. Schaefer (djembe); Patrick Schoeppner (gourds)
Let Us Plant Our Gardens Now Dominick DiOrio Miami University Men's Glee Club; Jeremy D. Jones (conductor); Marco Colant (tenor); Camden Gallucci (narrator); David Rim (tom-toms); Jon Sanford (piano)
Death of the Ball Turret Gunner Eric W. Barnum Miami University Men's Glee Club; Jeremy D. Jones (conductor); David Rim (djembe); Ben Reineke (djembe and brake drum); R.J. Schaefer (shaman drum)
We Are the Memory Eriks Esenvalds Miami University Men's Glee Club; Jeremy D. Jones (conductor)
Invictus Joshua Rist Miami University Men's Glee Club; Jeremy D. Jones (conductor); Cole Tutino (cello); Jon Sanford (piano)
Will the Circle Be Unbroken J. David Moore Miami University Men's Glee Club; Jeremy D. Jones (conductor); Josh George (tenor); Andrew McKnight (tenor); Summit Rosenberg (baritone)
we are Craig Hella Johnson Miami University Men's Glee Club; Jeremy D. Jones (conductor); Jon Sanford (piano)


  • "David Reynolds sang the praises of the Miami University (in Ohio) Men's Glee Club, and the fellows come up aces here as well. This is contemporary fare that, like the earlier anthology, traverses a variety of styles, techniques, and poetic themes. There is a social conscience at work in these songs,a nd the singing bears witness to the messages of faith, equality, peace, and freedom that are alive in the music. Glory from teh 2014 film Selma jumps out of the speakers with prayerful exuberance and rhythmic abandon. A more somber tone is reached as peasants yearn for freedom in Song of the Serfs. Mid-Eastern energy dances at the core of Jake Runestad's Sayareh, and a gentle spirit of inter-connectedness radiates from Craig Hella Johnson's We are, which gives the program its name. There are no dead spots, only the best of artistic intentions. Notes, texts, and commendable engineering augment the musical offerings."

    – American Record Guide

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