New Heartbeats: Janet Arms Performs Music of Robert Carl & Larry Alan Smith

Janet Arms, John McMurtery, Shannon Vandzura, Jesse Goldberg, Allison Hughes, Natalia Kaminska-Palarczyk

Catalog #: TROY1849
Release Date: January 1, 2021
Format: Digital

Flutist Janet Arms notes that "This joyful collaboration has brought together family, friends, and colleagues to celebrate the music of two dynamic and captivating composers, each of whose music resonates deeply with me. " Robert Carl's music is performed regularly through the U.S. and abroad. His compositions concentrate on works for solo piano, chamber ensemble, orchestra, choral, and electroacoustic media. Carl is chair of the composition department at The Hartt School. Larry Alan Smith is a composer, conductor, pianist, educator, arts executive, and poet/writer. He is on the faculty at The Hartt School, now serving as Dean. He has formerly been on the faculty at Juilliard, the North Carolina School of the Arts and was president of the School of American Ballet. Janet Arms is an orchestral, chamber, and solo flutist in New York City. She has been a member of the New York City Opera orchestra since 1988 and has performed and recorded with the New York Philharmonic, San Francisco Ballet and Metropolitan Opera. Ms. Arms is on the faculty at The Hart School in in 2019 was awarded the Hartford Anchor Award for outstanding and distinguished alumni by the University.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
River's Bend Robert Carl Janet Arms (flute); John McMurtery (flute)
Ti seguo Mi segui Larry Alan Smith Janet Arms (flute); Shannon Vandzura (flute)
Birds and Flowers Robert Carl Janet Arms (flute); Jesse Goldberg (piano)
One Hour to Madness and Joy Larry Alan Smith Janet Arms (flute)
Forms of Floating Robert Carl Janet Arms (flute)
Trio for Three Flutes Larry Alan Smith Janet Arms (flute); Allison Hughes (flute); Natalia Kaminska-Palarczyk (flute)
Sonatina, "The Dance of Sound and Space” Robert Carl Janet Arms (flute); Jesse Goldberg (piano)
Scat Larry Alan Smith Janet Arms (flute); Shannon Vandruza (flute); Natalia Kaminska-Palarczyk (flute); Allison Hughes (flute)

*Album cover provided for Editorial use only. ©Albany Records. The Albany Imprint is a registered trademark of PARMA Recordings LLC. The views and opinions expressed in this media are those of the artist and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views and opinions held by PARMA Recordings LLC and its label imprints, subsidiaries, and affiliates.