The Red Door: Clarinet Works by David Maslanka

Jeremy Reynolds, Heidi Brende Leathwood, Yumi Hwang-Williams, Basil Vendryes

Catalog #: TROY1867-68
Release Date: June 1, 2021
Format: Digital

Jeremy Reynolds has recorded the complete works of David Maslanka for clarinet. The 2-CD set includes world premiere recordings of Fourth Piece, Eternal Garden, Trio No. 1, Trio No. 3, and Images from the "Old Gringo." David Maslanka, who died in 2017, was not only a noted composer, but much loved and admired, particularly by wind and brass players. This recording project, which began in 2008, had the benefit of countless hours of collaboration between Maslanka and the musicians. Hailed as a "wizard of sound" Jeremy Reynolds is on the faculty at the University of Denver Lamont School of Music and is associate principal clarinet of the Colorado Springs Philharmonic. He has performed on six continents, making his Carnegie Hall Debut in 2015 and has concertized extensively around the world. His collaborators include pianist Heidi Brende Leathwood, violinist Yumi Hwang-Williams, and violist Basil Vendryes — all of whom are on the faculty of the Lamont School of Music. An interview with Matthew Maslanka can be found on YouTube:


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
Three Pieces for clarinet and piano David Maslanka Jeremy Reynolds (clarinet); Heidi Brende Leathwood (piano)
Fourth Piece for clarinet and piano David Maslanka Jeremy Reynolds (clarinet); Heidi Brende Leathwood (piano)
Little Symphony for solo clarinet David Maslanka Jeremy Reynolds (clarinet)
Eternal Garden for clarinet and piano David Maslanka Jeremy Reynolds (clarinet); Heidi Brende Leathwood (piano)
Trio No. 1 for clarinet, violin and piano David Maslanka Jeremy Reynolds (clarinet); Yumi Hwang-Williams (violin); Heidi Brende Leathwood (piano)
Trio No. 2 for clarinet, viola and piano David Maslanka Jeremy Reynolds (clarinet); Basil Vendryes (viola); Heidi Brende Leathwood (piano)
Images from "The Old Gringo" for clarinet, violin and piano David Maslanka Jeremy Reynolds (clarinet); Yumi Hwang-Williams (violin); Heidi Brende Leathwood (piano)

*Album cover provided for Editorial use only. ©Albany Records. The Albany Imprint is a registered trademark of PARMA Recordings LLC. The views and opinions expressed in this media are those of the artist and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views and opinions held by PARMA Recordings LLC and its label imprints, subsidiaries, and affiliates.