Dreamed Landscapes

Qing Jiang (piano)

Catalog #: TROY1894
Release Date: September 1, 2022
Format: Digital

In this collection of piano works, the composers have figuratively entered the world of a scenic painting. With the mixture of new and old, the textures, techniques, and sonic worlds of these pieces speak to one another in a unique continuum. Praised by the New York Times as a "fiery musician" whose playing is "vigorous and passionate," Qing Jiang is a versatile musician who is equally known as a performer, teacher, and as an advocate of contemporary music. She has appeared in major concert halls in the U.S. and the U.K. and collaborated with ensembles such as the Juilliard, Shanghai, and Left Bank string quartets. Born in China, she studied at Arizona State University, Juilliard, and the New England Conservatory. She is on the faculty at Bucknell University.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
Dreamed Landscapes Daniel Temkin Qing Jiang (piano)
Sonatine Maurice Ravel Qing Jiang (piano)
Mazurkas, Op. 27 Thomas Adès Qing Jiang (piano)
In the Mists Leos Janáček Qing Jiang (piano)
Jeux d'eau Maurice Ravel Qing Jiang (piano)
Iberia (Book I) Isaac Albéniz Qing Jiang (piano)


  • This recital is attractively programmed and beautifully played. Pianist Qing Jiang, currently associate professor of music at Bucknell University (which sponsored the recording through numerous funding grants and hosted the recording sessions at the university's Weis Center for the Performing Arts) has brought together an unusual assortment of repertoire that, according to the liner notes, prompts the listener to "[enter] the world of a scenic painting, no longer confined by its frame."Jiang has brought together repertoire in numerous styles, from numerous countries, and from numerous moments of the past 120 years, all of which she presents with great sensitivity and conviction. In Iberia, as throughout this recital, Qing Jiang is a musician in top form making committed, considered artistic choices. With clear, live-sounding engineering as a bonus, this is a recital well worth hearing. Warmly recommended.

    – Fanfare

  • A Chinese pianist with a very contemporary vision, Qing Jiang's unique vision populates these pieces with old and new textures, techniques, and sonic worlds that are fleshed out with both meticulousness and playfulness. The title track starts the listen with 3 movements of very complex and mesmerizing patterns, where Jiang's playing can be low and ominous, just as it can be bright and melodic, and, further down the line, the dreamy, stirring presence of "Mazurkas, Op. 27"makes an indelible impression in its balance of space and mystery. In the middle, the calming nature of "In The Mists"showcases both bare, sublime moments versus tense bouts of dynamic musicianship, and the album exits with the dancing keys of the lively and spirited "Iberia (Book I)", where the true scope of Jiang's talents are nothing short of stunning. An extremely versatile affair, Jiang weaves in and out of gorgeous, fascinating textures that will certainly strike a chord with anyone with an ear for solo piano.

    – Take Effect

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